Rye Oak Children & Family Centre
Rye Oak Children & Family Centre
Whorlton Road, Peckham, SE15 3PD
020 3848 5780
Bus: P12, 12, 37, 78, 343

to Rye Oak CFC
Rye Oak Children & Family Centre is the Hub for PPRN locality. This is where the Management Team and the Community Family Work Team are based. The centre is located on the first floor of Rye Oak Primary School and is comprised of: 2 training rooms equipped with table, chairs and white boards, 2 crèche/activities rooms with access to an outdoor area, office spaces, several rooms used to delivery small group activities and one to one support and advice.
Rye Oak Children & Family Centre is open to the public every day from Monday to Friday to provide free activities for families such Stay and Play sessions, Bookstart sessions, Adult Education Classes and Parenting Programme. Rye Oak Children & Family Centre functions also as a multifunctional centre from where a number of external health practitioners and partners deliver their services to the communities. These services include Midwives clinics and Ante Natal Talks, Health Visiting, Asthma and Eczema Clinics, Speech and Language Therapy appointments and groups.